Australia - 1917-1988.
Slogan cancellations: Send Birthday Greetings ... - Brisbane.

The Send Birthday Greetings ... slogan was used in Brisbane from 19 March 1935 to 26 August 1941.

The seven identified dies used at Brisbane with this slogan:

  1. have a circular date stamp with no box number and QLD at the base; or
  2. have a box date stamp with the number 4;

Within each of these broad types of dies, there are variations.

The date stamp usually had TIME then DAY/MONTH then YEAR.

The listing below is approximately chronological by base inscription and then Code number within that grouping. The following Table provides a guide with hyperlinks:

Shape of
date stamp

Words at the base

Code number Earliest date Latest date % of Adelaide Census
Circle QLD. None 5 March 1935 19 March 1935 5%
Box Country Box 4 28 October 1937 3 November 1937 26%
    5 27 November 1934 24 July 1937 5%
  In Country Box 2 20 August 1941 26 August 1941 5%
  Pillars 2 28 October 1937 3 November 1937 33%
  (Die 2B) 7 22 August 1941 26 August 1941


  (Die 4A with fault) 7 20 August 1941 22 August 1941

There are 44 examples of this slogan forBrisbane in the Census.

Datestamp: Circle;

Top inscription: BRISBANE.

Base inscription: QLD.

Die 4A: G is indented to be level with the right side of S.
The D (of SEND) is above the first E (of GREETINGS).
The N (of ON) begins before the L (of COLOURED).

The order of the date slugs is the usual Time/DD-MM/Year.

Only recorded date of this format:
5 March 1935.

Number in the Census: 1.

5 March
5 March1935.

Datestamp: Circle;

Top inscription: BRISBANE.

Base inscription: QLD.

Die 4A: G is indented to be level with the right side of S.
The D (of SEND) is above the first E (of GREETINGS).
The N (of ON) begins before the L (of COLOURED).

The order of the date slugs has been changed to Year/DD-MM/Time.

Only recorded date of this format:
19 March 1935.

Number in the Census: 1.

Read Press
19 March 1935.

Datestamp: Box;

Number: 4 (4 mm font).

Top inscription: BRISBANE/Q'LAND
(2nd line in an arc).

Base inscription: POSTED/COUNTRY BOX
(1st line in an arc).

Die 5A: G indented from S.
T is on the right sideof R above.
N begins just after the L below.

Earliest recorded date of this format:
28 October 1937.

Latest recorded date of this format:
3 November 1937.

Number in the Census: 12.

Country 5
28 October 1937.

Datestamp: Box;

Number: 5 (4 mm font).

Top inscription: BRISBANE/Q'LAND
(2nd line in an arc).

Base inscription: POSTED/COUNTRY BOX
(1st line in an arc).

Die 3: G starts half way across S.
T is under the R.

Earliest recorded date of this format:
29 October 1937.

Latest recorded date of this format:
30 October 1937.

Number in the Census: 2.

Country 5 29th
29 October 1937.

Datestamp: Box;

Number: 5 (7 mm font).

Top inscription:

Base inscription:

Die 2B: S and G approximately aligned.
O (of ON) extends past C.

Earliest recorded date of this format:
20 August 1941.

Latest recorded date of this format:
26 August 1941.

Number in the Census: 2.

20 August 1941.

Datestamp: Box;

Number: 2.

Top inscription:
(2nd line in an arc).

Base inscription:
(1st line in an arc)

Die 3: G starts half way across S.
T is midway under the R.

Earliest recorded date of this format:
28 October 1937.

Latest recorded date of this format:
3 November 1937.

Number in the Census: 14.

1937 Pillars
28 October 1937.

Datestamp: Box;

Number: 7 (4 mm font).

Top inscription:
(2nd line in an arc).

Base inscription:

Die 2B: S and G approximately aligned.
O (of ON) extends beyond the C below.

Earliest recorded date of this format:
20 August 1941.

Latest recorded date of this format:
26 August 1941.

Number in the Census: 4.

Aug 22 Pillars
22 August 1941.

Datestamp: Box;

Number: 7.

Top inscription:

Base inscription:

Die 4A: G is indented to be level with the right side of S.
The N (of ON) begins before the L (of COLOURED).

Line 1 and Line 5 and complete and clear.

Earliest recorded date of this format:
20 August 1941.

Latest recorded date of this format:
22 August 1941.

Number in the Census: 8.

1d green
20 August 1941.

Die 4A: G is indented to be level with the right side of S.
The N (of ON) begins before the L (of COLOURED).

A progressive fault appeared with this die from 21 August:

  1. First signs of a fault appeared at 1:00 am with Line 5 printing faintly.
  2. by 12:30 pm that had been corrected although Line 1 was then fainter than it should have been.
  3. The situation at 5:30 pm on 21 August is shown at the right - Line 1 is not printed clearly while C of COLOURED in Line 5 is only partially printed.
  4. at 1:00 am on 22 August, Line 1 was restored but line 5 was very faint and the C was incomplete.

No later examples of the slogan are recorded so it can be inferred that the slogan was withdrawn from use on 22 August 1941.

21 August 1941 - printed at 5:30 pm.